Welcome to Choosing sustainability
Seth Daood is an undergraduate studying Zoology at Cambridge. As well as producing his own videos aimed at widening access to the University, he has long-running interests in sustainability and nature conservation. He will share his views on why we should all choose sustainability.
Want to hear more from Seth? He chaired the Q&A session about how we can choose sustainability at 8pm on Tuesday 30 March.

Seth Daood
Seth Daood is a third-year Zoology undergraduate at Cambridge, where he focuses on conservation, evolution and ecology, particularly primates (ask any of his supervisors about how he never fails to mention a primate in his essays!). He is also the co-president of the Cambridge Wildlife Conservation Society, a society which aims to connect individuals with wildlife and the outdoors both locally and globally. As an individual, Seth has had long-running interests in diversity, social justice, climate activism and theatre – matters that more often than not go hand in hand with one another. He has worked to boost representation both in science and Cambridge as a whole, focusing on supporting students from traditionally under-represented backgrounds. He finds that this work has given him hope for the future – seeing how the field of conservation, but also science more generally, is diversifying and reaching a broader range of individuals from a range of backgrounds is inspiring. It is not only the western world threatened by climate change. Seth believes that together, the broad range of individuals now being represented in the field, and those to come, have the best chance of fighting the global impact of anthropogenic climate change.
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