Bringing peatlands back to life in Belarus
Reporting from one of Europe’s greatest peatlands, young conservation leader Anna Trofimtchouk explains how restoring degraded habitats can help biodiversity while fighting climate change.

Anna Trofimtchouk
Anna Trofimtchouk graduated in 2020 from MPhil in Conservation Leadership at the University of Cambridge. Before starting her career at the largest nature conservation NGO in Belarus, APB – BirdLife Belarus, Anna pursued an MA degree in Media and Communications at Sodertorn University (Sweden). After working as Development Director for 4 years, she shifted focus to work more on conservation projects rather than communication and became a project manager for the Belovezhskaya Pushcha (Belarusian part of the famous Bialowieza Forset) and the Conservation Project for Polesie with the Frankfurt Zoological Society. Since then, Anna has worked on large scale nature restoration, and research about wilderness indicator species (bats, wolves, greater spotted eagles). She’s also lobbied for wilderness interests within protected areas and implemented conservation-focused education projects with local communities. Her reason for optimism: I see the best people devoting their lives to nature conservation and I want to be a part of that team and movement. I feel optimistic when I see water followed by wildlife returning to once degraded lands.
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