Tips for YOU to save the planet

Cambridge Youth Strikers 4 Climate explain what you can do to make a difference in your everyday life.

The climate crisis is scary. What can we do to get governments and businesses to take the necessary action? What changes can we make to our lifestyles to have a practical, meaningful impact? Here are Cambridge Youth Strikers 4 Climate with some ideas for you!

How to Fight the Climate Crisis from Home

The crisis of the virus doesn’t stop the crisis of the climate! Here are 5 actions you can take to tackle climate change without leaving your house!

How to Fight Air Pollution

Air pollution is clogging up our environment. Here are 3 ways to help the fight for clean air!

Further reading: Take action against air pollution

How to Stay Cool AND Sustainable

Getting too hot in the summer? Don’t want to harm the environment? Here are 5 ways to enjoy to keep cool with the environment!

Further reading: Eco friendly plants

How to Save Energy at Home

More energy comes from your home than you might think. Here are 6 ways to tackle climate change from indoors!

Further reading:

How to Organise a Strike

When our world leaders and corporations are failing to take the action needed to fight the climate crisis, how do you organise a successful protest or strike for the climate? Youth Striker Junayd shares tips from our experience!

How to set up an eco club at your school

In this video, we talk about in-school actions, specifically starting up an eco club and things you can do with that eco club.

Further reading: Eco Schools website

Cambridge Schools Eco Council

The Cambridge Schools Eco Council are an organisation run by children to demand climate justice in Cambridge and around the world. They organise the Cambridge YouthStrikes4Climate, take part in community events, work to educate locals both young and old and meet with businesses and politicians to find constructive ways to save the planet.

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